Make sure to review the 2025 GENERAL INFORMATION document for all important details regarding entry, stalling, show rules, etc. We have put some frequently asked questions below for reference.
-Use the same entry form for both the Spring Showcase and the ILR-SD Spring Showcase Futurity. Please call with any questions.
-Entries with payment must be postmarked by March 4, 2025 to avoid late fees.
-Late entries must be postmarked by March 10, 2025 and sent priority due to postal delays. Late entries will be charged a $50/animal fee. E-mail a copy as well to the contact on the entry form.
-Credit/debit card payments will be accepted by calling the ILR Office. A 3% convenience fee will be applied to credit/debit card payments. You must still mail the entry form and make payment before entry deadline to avoid late fees.
-Make sure to enter the correct classes. No class changes will be made without judge approval.
-Youth have the option to enter all or any combination of the following as long as they meet the requirements: *Youth Futurity, *Youth Halter, Futurity, Halter. *Youth participating in Youth Futurity MUST be listed as at least a partial owner on the ILR llama’s registration paper. If participating in more than one class, make sure appropriate classes are listed on the entry form and paid for.
-Halter Class Age Information
- Juvi – 5 up to 12 months
- Yearling – 12 months up to 24 months
- 2 yr old – 24 months up to 36 months
- Adult – 36 months and older
Llamas will be evaluated on conformation,
movement, fiber and overall appeal/
marketability using a three judge system.
Payout Information Coming Soon
Use the same entry form for both the Spring Showcase Show and the ILR-SD Spring Showcase Futurity.

We can’t do it without YOU! You are the key to a successful show and the show committee Welcomes Your Help! Contact us today for a list of different volunteer opportunities. Contact us today for a list of different volunteer opportunities. We have volunteer needs before, during or after the show. Your time commitment and role will be based on your needs/interests and typically require as little as 1 hour of your time. Please commit today to support this event and your industry as a volunteer.